"Turin" washed leather backpack
  • "Turin" washed leather backpack
  • "Turin" washed leather backpack
  • "Turin" washed leather backpack
  • "Turin" washed leather backpack

"Turin" washed leather backpack

Tax included
Last items in stock Quantity

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Modern design and with a large, square structure, the Torino backpack in washed leather combines the tradition of Italian craftsmanship with the quality of processed leather. The originality of this backpack is the possibility of rolling it up to close it with the magnetized button closure, to make the backpack safer there is also a zip closure in the upper part. The Torino model backpack is made of washed full-grain leather. A well-finished backpack, with attention to detail and sturdy stitching. This backpack externally has a front compartment closed with a magnet, a rear compartment closed with a zip, inside it has four leather-finished compartments in which to place smaller objects such as a cell phone, keys and wallet and one for a tablet or PC. The interior is fully lined in cotton. The shoulder straps are adjustable in leather.

Measurements (length x width x height): 33 x 10 x 38 cm

Made in Italy.

Zaino Torino
1 Item

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Heel to Toe (in) US Men US Women US Kids UK Europe (cm)
8 ½ \u{a0} 5 3.5 2.5 \u{a0} 21.6
8 ⅝ \u{a0} 5.5 4 3 35 21.9
8 ⅞ \u{a0} 6 4.5 3.5 36 22.5
9 5 6.5 5 4 37 22.9
9 ⅛ 5.5 7 5.5 4.5 37.5 23.2
9 ⅜ 6 7.5 6 5 38 23.8
9 ½ 6.5 8 6.5 5.5 39 24.1
9 ⅝ 7 8.5 7 6 39.5 24.5
9 ⅞ 7.5 9 \u{a0} 6.5 40 25
10 8 9.5 \u{a0} 7 41 25.4
10 ⅛ 8.5 10 \u{a0} 7.5 41.5 25.8
10 ⅜ 9 10.5 \u{a0} 8 42 26.2
10 ½ 9.5 11 \u{a0} 8.5 42.5 26.7
10 ⅝ 10 11.5 \u{a0} 9 43 27.1
10 ⅞ 10.5 12 \u{a0} 9.5 44 27.5
11 11 \u{a0} \u{a0} 10 44.5 27.9
11 ⅛ 11.5 \u{a0} \u{a0} 10.5 45 28.3
11 ⅜ 12 \u{a0} \u{a0} 11 46 28.8
11 ½ 12.5 \u{a0} \u{a0} 11.5 46.5 29.2
11 ⅝ 13 \u{a0} \u{a0} 12 47 29.6

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