Sneaker  men 45405 Callaghan
  • Sneaker  men 45405 Callaghan
  • Sneaker  men 45405 Callaghan
  • Sneaker  men 45405 Callaghan
  • Sneaker  men 45405 Callaghan

Sneaker men 45405 Callaghan

Tax included
Size: 41
Color: Blue
Last items in stock Quantity

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Sneaker with upper in fabric and inserts in suede, lining in breathable and antibacterial fabric, removable internal insole, patented ADAPTACTION bottom, adapts to any type of foot and increases in width up to 8 mm. Callaghan shoes are ultra LIGHT thanks to ADAPTLITE, Callaghan Adaptlite is the result of the fusion between the Adaptaction technology, which adapts to the foot, and the XL Extralight technology, an extra light and very flexible material that significantly reduces the weight of the shoe, for walking with maximum comfort and minimum weight.

1 Items

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Heel to Toe (in) US Men US Women US Kids UK Europe (cm)
8 ½ \u{a0} 5 3.5 2.5 \u{a0} 21.6
8 ⅝ \u{a0} 5.5 4 3 35 21.9
8 ⅞ \u{a0} 6 4.5 3.5 36 22.5
9 5 6.5 5 4 37 22.9
9 ⅛ 5.5 7 5.5 4.5 37.5 23.2
9 ⅜ 6 7.5 6 5 38 23.8
9 ½ 6.5 8 6.5 5.5 39 24.1
9 ⅝ 7 8.5 7 6 39.5 24.5
9 ⅞ 7.5 9 \u{a0} 6.5 40 25
10 8 9.5 \u{a0} 7 41 25.4
10 ⅛ 8.5 10 \u{a0} 7.5 41.5 25.8
10 ⅜ 9 10.5 \u{a0} 8 42 26.2
10 ½ 9.5 11 \u{a0} 8.5 42.5 26.7
10 ⅝ 10 11.5 \u{a0} 9 43 27.1
10 ⅞ 10.5 12 \u{a0} 9.5 44 27.5
11 11 \u{a0} \u{a0} 10 44.5 27.9
11 ⅛ 11.5 \u{a0} \u{a0} 10.5 45 28.3
11 ⅜ 12 \u{a0} \u{a0} 11 46 28.8
11 ½ 12.5 \u{a0} \u{a0} 11.5 46.5 29.2
11 ⅝ 13 \u{a0} \u{a0} 12 47 29.6

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